Barley Mow Village Hall is a registered charity formed some 5 years ago when Gateshead Council wished to close the hall and develop the site.
The groups who used the hall were rightfully upset as they would lose a valuable asset to the community where they could practice their various group activities.
The user groups of the hall signed a 30 year lease with Gateshead and the council then provided an asset transfer to support the hall during the change over period.
The member groups (as a committee) are responsible for the running of the hall and hold monthly management meetings to ensure the running of the venue and to bring up any problems or new ideas to the elected chairman, secretary, treasurer, Development Officer and various sub groups of the committee which will allow the hall to carry on the work we undertake to provide services to hundreds of users.
The hall is therefore funded (1) by nominal income from each member group, (2) by renting activity space to independent groups and individuals and 3) By holding fundraising events open to the public. These activities just cover the overheads of the hall which comprise of costs including wages for 3 employees, a power bill for electric and gas, ongoing maintenance of the fabric of the hall including electrical, gas, fire alarm, intruder alarm and safety testing and any maintenance required to ensure the longevity of the property for the benefit of the users.
The charity is only able to obtain grant funding for specific activities or very occasional spending on larger infrastructure projects.
We are able to manage to maintain the hall and it activities through shear hard work from not only the three members of staff but also willing and capable volunteers.
Our mission is one of service to the community and due to the hard work of all involved we just manage to ensure our ongoing operations can be funded.
However, taking into account ever rising costs in the costs of staffing and maintenance this becomes harder year on year and only careful spending on necessities can ensure our ongoing service to the hall users.
To assist us to serve the community we are always looking for volunteers to help us deliver services to the community.
If you are interested please send us a short email to